
爱德蒙P. 加维

The story of 十大彩票平台 starts in 1950 with 爱德蒙P. 加维, who was then principal of Trade High School, now Putnam. Faye-Marie Bartlett, one of our nursing faculty, 记得有一天,埃德·加维开车送她上山,从学校部门到贸易部的新职位. As they passed Springfield Armory, Dr. 加维 said to her, “Some day that will be a college.” When the city's effort to save the Armory had clearly failed, Mayor 瑞安 convened a blue ribbon commission, 包括博士. 加维,以确定十大彩票平台市中心这片土地的最佳用途. 1964年,博士. 加维 had established the Springfield Technical Institute, a two-year post-high school program, in an annex of Trade, to prepare students for careers in specific medical, 业务, and engineering fields. STI quickly enrolled 400 students, and had no room to accommodate additional applicants, so the Armory site would be a perfect solution. 众议员安东尼·西贝利(Anthony Scibelli)称埃德·加维“才华横溢”, skilled and highly motivated, a very down-to-earth kind of guy.” Dr. 加维被认为是在教师、管理人员和学生之间创造善良和关怀氛围的榜样. His dream was to create a technical school that would be affordable for all; that vision became the largest and most comprehensive community college in Massachusetts.


约瑟夫·J. Deliso,老.

Industrialist 约瑟夫·J. Deliso,老. 在州和联邦层面为新学院铺平道路是至关重要的吗. Before coming to Springfield, Joe Deliso had been a developer of the Merritt Parkway, 并为1949年在长岛举办的世界博览会建造了供水系统. 在十大彩票平台, 他接管了HBA Cast Products,并把它打造成了一个主要产业, which then played an important role in production for WWII. In the fight to save the Armory, Joe Deliso remembered, “人们试图说服国防部长麦克纳马拉,他不应该关闭军械库, but he had made up his mind. I approached Governor Volpe, who I was close to, 并建议将其改为社区学院,因为它的位置和人们的需要. Volpe suggested talking to McNamara, and made an appointment, so I went to Washington and talked with him. I reported back to the governor, 沃尔普也认为建立一所教育机构对十大彩票平台很有好处.Volpe州长任命Joe Deliso为十大彩票平台咨询委员会的首任主席, from 1967 to 1981. 然后,他成为十大彩票平台董事会的第一任主席,任职至1985年. In 1992, our humanities building, 13, was dedicated as 约瑟夫·J. Deliso老. 大厅. And in 1993, the Deliso family established the 约瑟夫·J. Deliso老. Endowed Chair at 十大彩票平台.


查理五世. 瑞安
Mayor of Springfield 1962-1967, 2004-2008

查理五世. 瑞安意识到军械库的理想用途是作为一所大学. 他说, “From the beginning, 我们觉得军械库广场很特别,有点像新英格兰的大学校园, overlooking the Connecticut river valley. 它是这座城市内外最引人注目的房地产之一. STI在贸易学校的成功应该被带到军械库广场,在那里我们可以使用其他建筑, and have this thing grow to a larger size, be even more valuable to the people of the region. “From the financial point of view, Springfield had been underwriting STI, and had about reached the limit of what the city could do. There was an opportunity here, if we could get the state behind us, because it was regional, not just a city resource. Tony Scibelli was very quick to recognize that. 从那时起, 当联邦的首席执行官和筹款委员会主席一起工作时,这很容易, it's pretty much a certainty, so it passed out of city hands and into state hands. 我不得不说埃德·加维是这所学校的创始人. “十大彩票平台给大春田社区带来的好处是不可估量的. It’s created jobs and 业务es. With technology becoming more complex, 建立一所技术社区学院,帮助人们为技术领域的工作和发展做好准备,这超出了我们的预期——我在20世纪60年代中期关注的是技术, but growth in the last 50 years has been just stunning, and will continue to be.”


安东尼·米. Scibelli
“Dean” of the House of Representatives

Representative Anthony Scibelli, always known as Tony, 他在十大彩票平台市议会做了12年的议员之后才搬到州议会. Serving in the state legislature for 48 years, 他是马萨诸塞州连续当选时间最长的代表, 事实上, 在美国. 托尼发起并迅速推动立法,批准拨款并授权将十大彩票平台军械库的35英亩土地转让给州政府, 这所大学. 他帮助成立了十大彩票平台,使成千上万的年轻人能够接受他从未接受过的高等教育. 年后, 托尼还在波士顿为校园里的生物科学大楼争取资金, 为了表示感谢,学院于1988年4月将这座建筑命名为安东尼. Scibelli大厅. The college held a tribute event for Tony, which created student scholarships, and established the 安东尼·米. Scibelli捐赠主席,十大彩票平台的第一个捐赠主席,以表彰和培养优秀的教师. House speaker George Keverian said, “他的愿景, 他的耐力, 他坚持不懈地追求自己的理想,为所有渴望担任公职的人树立了一座灯塔... he is an institution.“代表. 西贝利回忆道:“人们总是说,‘你好,托尼,谢谢十大彩票平台.’ What more reward can one have in public life than that?”